Augustana College Inward Sioux Falls, Sd Volition Choke Augustana University

Augustana College inwards Sioux Falls, SD announced on August 21, 2015 that it will conk Augustana University on September 1, 2015.  Augustana is affiliated alongside the Evangelical Lutheran Church inwards America [ELCA]. The establishment has a fascinating history that dates from 1835 in addition to the founding of Hillsboro Academy inwards Hillsboro, IL.  

Christy Olsen Field of the Norwegian American Weekly offered a brief historical sketch noting that Augustana College"...traces its roots to the Hillsboro Academy inwards Hillsboro, Ill. inwards 1835. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Scandinavian Lutheran grouping changed the elevate inwards 1846 to “The Literary in addition to Theological Institute of the Lutheran Church of the Far West.” The schoolhouse after moved to Springfield, Ill., where it became known equally Illinois State University...Due to doctrinal differences, Professor Lars Paul Esbjorn in addition to a grouping of followers moved to Chicago inwards 1860 to flora the Augustana College in addition to Seminary. In the 1860s, the fledgling college was caught upward inwards the westward campaign of pioneers, moving its place to Paxton, Ill. inwards 1863; Marshall, Wis. inwards 1869; Beloit, Iowa inwards 1881; in addition to to Canton, S.D. inwards 1884...Meanwhile, the Lutheran Normal School for educating teachers opened inwards Sioux Falls, S.D., inwards 1889. In 1918, synod officials felt that 2 institutions in addition to so closed together —approximately xx miles— was non cost-effective, in addition to thence merged Augustana College inwards Canton alongside the Lutheran Normal School inwards Sioux Falls nether the elevate Augustana College. After the merger, the schoolhouse site inwards Canton became the Augustana Academy (no affiliation alongside the college), in addition to closed inwards 1971. Augustana College identifies 1860 equally its founding appointment along alongside its sister-school, Augustana College inwards Rock Island, Ill. Those familiar alongside the 2 institutions, oft refer to Augustana, Rock Island equally the Swedish Lutheran schoolhouse piece Augustana inwards Sioux Falls is known equally the Norwegian Lutheran school." 

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Augustana College Inward Sioux Falls, Sd Volition Choke Augustana University
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