Digital History Projection Is Featured

Jenny Barker-Devine, associate professor of history, too students inward her digital history shape are featured past times Illinois College inward "Students select novel app to Jacksonville community."  The post indicates that the shape worked amongst the Clio app too website to position key historical sites on the campus too inward the community of Jacksonville, IL where the Illinois College is located.

You tin order notice larn into "Jacksonville, IL" inward the Clio search window to select upwards 4 dissimilar tours:
  •  Downtown Jacksonville Illinios
    This is a brusque walking tour made possible past times the endure of students at Illinois College.
  •  Walldog Murals
    During the summertime of 2006, Jacksonville Main Street hosted a grouping of professional person sign painters called Letterheads to conceive too execute heritage-based fine art projects throughout Jacksonville's historic key concern district. The consequence was...
  •  Looking For Lincoln: Jacksonville
    The companion tour for "Looking for Lincoln's" wayside exhibits inward Jacksonville, IL.
  •  Historical Illinois College Campus Tour
    Because it was established inward 1829, Illinois College's campus has a fascinating history. Its master copy campus buildings reverberate IC's abolitionist heritage too its contributions to advancements inward Illinois education. The to a greater extent than contemporary...

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Digital History Projection Is Featured
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